Cultural Heritage and Digital Curation

Scientific Coordination: Gianfranco Crupi, Marco Schaerf

The research activities of the Digital Curation Area fall within the following scopes of action:

  • development and implementation of systems for enhancement, scientific communication, knowledge building, and online heritage-based learning activities;
  • online communication of the digital assets of Sapienza and of public and private entities;
  • digitization and metadata operations of collections and cultural heritage;
  • coordination of the design and implementation of the Sapienza Digital Library;
  • establishment and management of laboratories using or developing digital technologies for research or service activities in the field of cultural heritage (digitization and metadata, technologies for installations in museums and excavation areas, audio-video productions, etc.);
  • support, planning and organization of lifelong learning courses within the activity areas of reference, also in collaboration with external bodies and in e-learning;
  • implementation of research projects and promotion and/or participation in projects within the scope of European, national and regional calls in the activity areas of reference.

The researches were developed in three European programs within the scope of Call CIP-ICT-PSP (Linked heritage - Coordination of Standards and Technologies for the enrichment of Europeana; Eagle - Europeana network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy; Europeana Food and Drink), in international research networks (iTrust - Trust and digital records in an increasingly networked society, EAP569 - Safeguarding Nzema history: documents on Nzema land in Ghanaian national and local archives; Presto4U), and in research projects funded by the Lazio Region (HUB - Highway under the bridge; ReCAP - Network for the Preservation of and Access to Digital Heritage).

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